Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Broken Hearts

Relationships are a tricky business, however when one ends it can cause pain like you've never felt before.  Recently I experienced that pain and I can tell you a broken heart is a terrible thing. To the one who's heart has been broken it's almost like a person in mourning. You grieve the loss of the relationship like someone who grieves the loss of a loved one. For me it was a pain I can't describe. It's like I'd loss the one I loved with all my heart as well as my best friend.... As they were one in the same....all because of distance. A distance of miles cost me a love and my best friend. I'm not sure why the distance was such an issue but it was, at least for him.

When the relationship ended I struggled with why wasn't I good enough to make the drive worth it. Why wasn't I worth a little extra effort on his part.  Why was he ashamed to be seen in pictures with me on social media to the point we couldn't even be friends on social media...... Why why why???? 

My self confidence was shattered like never before and I've tried for months to pick up the pieces and get back to life because as Reba said it best "the world didn't stop for my broken heart".

It has been several months and I have finally began to heal and put things back together.  I have spent time with my daughter, nursed my mother through some very bad health issues and just surrounded myself with friends and family.  I even went out on some dates.

Through all this I have learned to be careful with my heart.  Guard it and save it for someone who treasures it and me.  I am still very guarded and I am just taking life one day at a time and thanking God for his awesome grace and love in my life.

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